The Book

Not unlike driving, parenting is a skill that is learnt – no one expects to get into a car for the first time being able to drive and it’s the same with parenting.

We pick up parenting skills from what we have experienced, from what we observe and maybe from a few books. Some people muddle through, but what happens if things go wrong? It is at these times that Advanced Parenting Skills can make the difference; they provide a clear way to navigate family difficulties.

We offer a secure one-to-one parent support programme that uses everyday technology such as a mobile phone, a tablet, or a laptop. Every situation is different, we provide experienced practitioners who can tailor our programme to an individual’s situation and we work with all ages of children.

Our solution is flexible and can be provided at a time and place that is suitable. Advanced Parenting Skills is a 12-week parenting programme and has received high reviews from those who have participated.

In 2015 Islay and a colleague, Kim Furnish, wrote the book ‘Parenting a Violent Child’ (published by Darton, Longman & Todd). It is a self-help book that uses the setting of a parenting group to provide information and support to those living with challenging behaviour. While the focus of the book is on violent behaviour, the information contained in the examples is able to shine a light on both parent and child behaviour whether or not there is evidence of violence. The examples provided have been useful in many challenging family situations and parents of non-violent children often recommend this book. The Advanced Parenting Skills programme, alongside this book, can provide powerful insights and effective tools for change.


"A fantastic book, really well written and very helpful! I particularly like the tips. I found it helpful as a parent and also as a teacher in dealing with violent behaviours."

"Easy to read and understand and can relate to many family problems. Teaches you to look at yourself not just the child."

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